
My New BFF

Somehow the day has passed and I never got around to properly working on my blog about yesterday.  I'LL DO IT TOMORROW.  I PROMISE.  :>  Right now, I'm feeling too sleepy to write a decent blog, complete with nice pictures, so here's a quick recounting of today:

- I got up
- Did laundry
- Wrote about 13 postcards - Postcrossing and BASARA friends (my dear family - I'm waiting until I can get some nice 'JAPAN'-esque postcards for you)
- Ventured out in the crummy wind and rain to go to the post office and grocery store
- There was a lull after the post office, so I went to the place where I bought my futon.  I got a bag for taking my things to school and a pair of slippers (fuzzy pink ones with Peter Rabbit on them!  For those who don't know and I'm sure don't care, my blankie is also Peter Rabbit)
- Got some groceries, including ingredients for potato salad and curry
- Got taiyaki (fish-shaped sweet cake with red bean in the middle).  THIS WAS THE HIGHLIGHT OF MY DAY.  The guy at the taiyaki place, presented the bag to me with a huge smile on his face and said 'Thank you verymuch!'  The first person to be nice to me in Kosai!  TT^TT  I gave him a big smile and said 'thank you' in English too, and left into the horrid weather.  (He looks like he's about my age or so, so I've been calling him Taiyaki-kun (even though that's overly familiar/using a diminuitive on someone I don't even know) because we're BFFs 4 LYFE)
- Bummed around home.  The weather is apparently typhoon-esque.  There are winds that are either 50kph or mph... not sure.  XD  Rain, all the good stuff.  They first delayed and then stopped the Shinkansen (Japan's bullet train), and that's saying something.  I stayed in an did nothing much.  Now it's suddenly late.  O_o

Tomorrow, I don't get to go through with my plans for going to Nagoya with Nicola.  >.<  It turns out (I learned this morning) that my IC is taking me to my schools and the Board of Education tomorrow, so I get to cancel my fun plans and do work.  It's a bit last-minute, in my opinion.  :I

I'll probably be back here around dinner time and I should be able to get the blog about Ryotanji up with no trouble.  Sometime when I remember, I'll post a picture of my car.  I haven't taken one yet!

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