
Training Day 3

Today was the last day of 'input' and tomorrow is just a full day of us presenting shortened versions of our demo 'intro' lesson.  >.<  I'm really nervous about executing mine properly, but I like my plan for it!  I've had some really good input and feedback from a few of the facilitators, so I think I can do it!!

Umm not a ton to day about today, since we're not allowed to talk about the training.  I really like some of the facilitators, and I'm kinda bummed that I won't be working with them in the future because they've got so much to teach (I'm lookin' at you, Cliff)!!  My original lesson plan was COMPLETELY DIFFERENT from what I'll be presenting tomorrow.  I just have to believe in myself and be happy.  The goal is to make it FUN for myself and the students and trick them into learning.  XD  I'm all for that.

Today's lunch was ratatouille (with Japanese pumpkin in it!) over rice (of course) and dinner was veggies again... with rice.  <_<  I'm getting REALLY SICK of boiled veggies already.  I'd be so much happier if I had even a single packet of soy sauce for the whole thing.  Alas~ I'll just have to make sure I get some to have at my apartment.

After lessons today, we had several hours where we had the training building/area to ourselves to practice, practice, practice!  The facilitators were around to help, and I REALLY appreciated that.  Heck, today alone I came up with almost my entire (revised) presentation because things keep coming up that fast.  As Mike said, we're basically getting four years worth of education... education (XD) in four days.  It's a lot.  It can be overwhelming.  But it's a great help and fantastic jumping off point.  They've given us tons of resources as well. In addition to a handbook which has sample lessons and worksheets in it, we have access to color printers and means of laminating our flashcards (which most of us had to re-do).

There's a guy trashing the training on YouTube.  I kind of can't believe his audacity.  I'm pretty sure we can't do that, per contract.  I'm wondering if I'm saying too much, and I'm not even saying BAD things!  He's going on about the 'public humiliation' and 'scare tactics.'  I have news for you, Mister!  Humiliation IS public in Japan.  And they were TOLD not to be late.  Sure, we're all on edge, afraid we'll be called on, but having to present is just practice for the real deal!  If we're never made to feel nervous or embarrassed here, how are we going to know how to deal with it when it happens in the classroom?!  It almost certainly WILL happen in the classroom.  My advice to you, Sir, if you happen to catch wind of my blog, is to GO HOME. If you can't take the heat, get the heck out of the kitchen.  No one will miss you.  There are alternates who are here WAITING for a chance to be in the shoes of someone with a placement.  They're in the wings waiting eagerly for something that you're just hating on.  You're talking about negative energy, but there's too much of it coming from you!!  >.<##

Moving on to happier things, have a couple of pictures!

Nicola and I enjoying some ice cream in our room tonight: 

Clearly working hard on our presentations.

And for the Tiger&Bunny fans in the audience:

I don't know why it isn't the proper orientation, but whatever.  Pepsi Nex.  Tastes gross.  

I've now done my part to help Pepsi decide that T&B was a good product placement idea and they should help fund more T&B stuff.  XD

Now I should hit the hay.  Nicola already turned off her light.  We're getting up at 6:30 again (it;s almost midnight now).  Other than the demo lesson, things I'm not looking forward to are: my medical test, and the urine drug test (The test is called the "Pee Pole"... how cute..... >.<#####).  


1 件のコメント:

  1. LOL @ that guy who doesn't understand the psychological pressure of existing in Japan. All-in-all, one of the highest praises I can give our education from DEALL is that it really puts the fear of Japanese society in you from day one.

    Glad to hear the training has given you such a confidence boost! I wondered what kind of response you would get from the instructors there, and I'm glad it was positive. Hope you continue to have a productive first week, my bro. Enjoy going next.

