
Like a preschool sensei

I haven't written anything here since, well... a long time.  I thought I'd just write a bit about what it's been like to be a preschool teacher.

Hooooooooo boy is it different from working as an ALT.  Now there are diapers, pull-ups, accidents, nap-times, and incoherent talking.  There are days I really enjoy working with the kids and days I want to pull my hair out and quit half-way through the day.

Right now, I'm working at a private preschool in a class of 3-year-olds.  I've got 16-19 on any given day, but there are 23 on the roster.  Twenty-four is a full class.  I work with another teacher, and really, she runs the class and I do more background stuff and try to help her out.  I work 8:30-6:15 or a bit later each day, with an hour off for lunch.  Oh, and a 40-minute commute on either end.  I think it's good experience, though, even if every day isn't a good experience.

I've decided this is not the age-group I'd rather work with.  Considering my goal is to teach English as a second language, it's probably not one I'd really have much cause to work with anyway.  I just don't have the patience that would be ideal in working with small children.  Okay, and a big part of it is I REALLY WISH THE KIDS WERE POTTY-TRAINED!  I don't know much about kids, and I understand accidents.  I really do.  I had them myself for... far too long.  However, I think they should be using the bathroom themselves for the most part.  Soooo not my thing.

There are things I love about them, though.  This past week, one of the boys who had a super cute, if broken, way of talking, started using prepositions.  His 'come upstairs me' became 'com upstairs with me' and although I don't feel like I had any sort of influence on this development, I'm super excited to see it.  One was working in the free-writing part of class and drew a rainbow that was obviously a rainbow - it was arced and the colors were all there and all in order (except for switching red and orange).  I didn't have ROY G BIV memorized until fourth grade!  One - when he's not sleeping at naptime >.<#### - will have deep conversations with me.  He'll talk about what's for snack or apples or his baby brother or rules we keep reminding him and the others of and it's so fascinating to see how much he remembers and echos and seems to understand.

I love the development.  I love seeing them grow and learn - that's sooo cool to me.  I try to enforce use of manners and making 'good choices,' but at the same time, I worry that when I get frustrated I might say something a little too brusque or use negative language (which is discouraged) and scar these kids.  Am I too hard on them?  Am I expecting too much from three-year-olds?  I've tried to adjust my expectations.  I try to take a breath when I get frustrated.  I just hope I'm doing it enough.  They still run up and hug me when I come into the room in the mornings, but then I hear from parents that their child said they didn't want to go to school that morning.  I wonder if it's my fault.  So that's difficult.

In any case, I'm looking to go back to school full-time in January and work toward my teaching license.  The school is in the opposite direction of the preschool and an easy 1.5 hours in between, so that'll be that.  I'll have to find another job.  >.<  I'm keeping my part-time job at JoAnn Fabrics, but I'll try to find something else to fill in the gaps in my school schedule.  Le sigh.  Not looking forward to the job search again.  Wish me luck in my pursuits!